-> How to register: ++++++++++++++++ WinEdit 2000 (very useful Editor with integrated FTP-Explorer) tutorial written by -=[THOG]=- -> An reg example - for everybody who has no debugger or experience: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Registration ID: -=[THOG]=- Control Number : EN01G299 -> available at: www.winedit.com +++++++++++++ www.softseek.com (search for "winedit") -> Lets go - get your own registration key: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fire on SOFTICE & Start-> NagScreen (booohhhh..) appears -> Keep cool -> Choose "Enter licence information" -> Enter Registration ID -> Mhmmmmm .... its your Name ..... ok: "-=[THOG]=-" -> Control number - try: 87654321 -> Enter SICE and set your favorite breakpoints for INPUT-ROUTINES -> TRACING .... after hours you will find: Call kernel32!LStrlen cmp eax,08 jz xxxxxxxxxx Jeahhhh .... the c. number must be 8chars long!!! Tracing ... and you find many compares with an JZ xxxx: 87654321 ^ this char (7) must "N", "U", or "G" with "G" you can register different products (with the same register- engine -> wbdbu32i.dll keep it in your mind) I decided me for a "N" -> 8N654321 -> Tracinng with F12 & F10 -> two CMPs -> ^ ^^ E 01 -> you know: EN014321 - but it doesnt work... whats about the last for chars ??? Disable all & Set a breakpoint at BPX KERNEL32!LSTRCMP .... RUN ... Boom - Press not the right way ... again ... Boom SICE pops up ... and you see this interesting code: 0167:0078F8E0 47 32 39 39 00 00 00 00-0E 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 G299............ 0167:0078F8F0 4A 42 36 33 00 FB 78 00-0A 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 4321..x......... 0167:0078F900 00 00 00 00 F4 10 56 00-17 53 56 00 17 53 56 00 ......V..SV..SV. 0167:0078F910 FA 14 03 1C F4 10 56 00-00 00 00 00 D4 52 56 00 ......V......RV. 0167:0078F920 A8 1B 50 00 F4 10 56 00-01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..P...V......... 0167:0078F930 00 00 00 00 2B F0 02 1C-F4 10 56 00 84 F9 78 00 ....+.....V...x. ----------------------------------------------------------------PROT32--------- 015F:1C02FA31 7CD6 JL 1C02FA09 015F:1C02FA33 8D44242C LEA EAX,[ESP+2C] <****** 015F:1C02FA37 8D4C241C LEA ECX,[ESP+1C] 015F:1C02FA3B 50 PUSH EAX 015F:1C02FA3C 51 PUSH ECX 015F:1C02FA3D FF150051051C CALL [KERNEL32!lstrcmp] 015F:1C02FA43 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 015F:1C02FA45 0F85F4000000 JNZ 1C02FB3F 015F:1C02FA4B 837C242800 CMP DWORD PTR [ESP+28],00 015F:1C02FA50 7513 JNZ 1C02FA65 015F:1C02FA52 6810270000 PUSH 00002710 015F:1C02FA57 FF158C51051C CALL [KERNEL32!Sleep] 015F:1C02FA5D 5D POP EBP 015F:1C02FA5E 5F POP EDI Set a breakpoint at 1c02Fa33 and have a look into memory ... EB EAX and EB ECX -> there is our 4321 and another number which is compared to our one -> AHHHHHHHHHH .... write down the 4 chars... Disable all Breakpoints ... register again... ENter the same NAME and as control number: EN01 + 4 chars you've written down ... "OK"-Button -> "Thanks for your support!" -> Thats it.... -> Questions?: THOG1995@Hotmail.com +++++++++++